Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Rest of March

The Rest of Our Easter Pics

Luke was waiting as patiently as possible for a 2 year old for the Easter Egg Hunt to start. This hunt was at Nana and Papaw's church in Kernersville.

Since the kids were divided up by age groups, Luke ended up with only about 7 other competitors. We guessed a lot of the other kids hunted eggs with older siblings.

Once again, we found the golden egg...boy Daddy & Mommy sure are good at finding the golden egg:)

After figuring out that these eggs contained NO candy, Luke wondered if the eggs on the other side of the fence were better.

Showing off his bling

Luke on Easter morning

The Sansom family on Easter Sunday

An Easter egg hunt with family and new friends

All clean

Luke's curls

Luke's new friends

Children Doing What They Do Best

We had our neighbors over for dinner one night, and this is what happens when you forget to keep your eyes on the kiddos. They emptied out the game drawer all over our living room floor. It was pretty funny to see how quickly they could make a mess.

Luke was putting his newly learned methods of destruction to action in my plastic storage cabinet. No big deal....this is his cabinet to play in anyway. This was just the first time he actually played in it.

He really did empty it out.

Giving up the Afternoon Nap
So I'm very sad to report that Luke is nearing the time where he no longer needs the afternoon nap. Well, at least he doesn't think he needs it. At least twice a week he will just hang out on his bed, resting and playing for 2 hours. I was at first extremely disappointed at this new stage, but I've learned that if I just leave him in there, he sometimes will fall asleep an hour or so later while "reading" a book. So, in a way its a good thing since that often prolongs the time I get to work on things.

I caught Luke here peeking out of his window and yelling out at the neighbors while he was supposed to be napping. He's a funny little boy!


1 comment:

Justin, Chandra, Madelyn, Catharine and Elizabeth Martin said...

So cute, the picture of him peeking out of his bedroom window! I think Madelyn does this too...haven't caught it yet though!

So glad we are neigbhors! So glad our kids can be two year olds together for a little while :)