Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The New Camera

So, I'm sure you are not surprised that once again it has been a long time since I have updated the blog. We some good excuses though! The last post we made was from the old camera, and these pictures are the start of the new camera we bought in September (after I left the other one on top of the car). That was one delay, and the other is the fact that we're about to make our big move to NC, so life is getting hectic during this Christmas season.

Kitchen Time

Luke and I made some yummy cupcakes for Great's 70th birthday.

"Yee-Haw...Hosie" Luke likes to ride the trash can while we're in the kitchen. Fortunately he has only done this when it is empty.

Ahhh.....Luke loves his chocolate!

Harvest Festival Fun

We arrived back in town from our visit to NC on the afternoon of Oct. 31 and hurriedly dressed Luke in his costume to go and visit with family.

I wasn't sure if I could top last year's doughboy costume, but we came up with a pretty good idea for this year. Here is a way easy, and a bit cheaper Mickey Mouse costume. The tights, gloves, shirt, and shorts all came from Wal-Mart. The shoes are yellow socks (from Wal-Mart) over his shoes, and we bought the ears and tail at an online store. And of course, the eyeliner on the nose.

Luke with Aunt Leigh Ann at the hospital

Luke visiting with Uncle Woody at GRADD

Grammy's Wiggles "bee-oh" that Luke was excited to see

Luke and Grammy at Nation's

Luke won some treats at the cake walk at our church Harvest Festival. Actually, this was the cookie he snuck off the table when I wasn't looking.

The Visit to Southeastern

We visited the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC at the end of October. It was going to be a short trip (4 days) so we decided flying would be the best mode of transportation. Luke did really well, even enduring a 3 hour delay in Louisville at the start of our trip. This was his third time flying, but the first time as a family and as an active, walking toddler.

Killing time while we wait for our flight.

FINALLY...we were en route!

Campus Shots

Here are some pics of where John will be spending a lot of time over the next 4 years.

This is the Manor House where visitors to the campus stay. It is like a bed and breakfast. We enjoyed our short stay here. We even had a nursery adjoined to our room for Luke during his one night stay with us.

Luke spent 2 nights with my parents while we visited the campus. Here we are about to go to a fall festival event at their church before taking him back to Wake Forest to go home.

Luke with his cousins Hunter and Cole. In case you didn't know, my brother, Jeremy and his family are living with my parents now in NC. He is working in the same industry as my dad, and they are looking for a house to settle into.

Some Saturday Fun

Bono Luke

We were at a Lewis and Clark exhibit, but Luke was more interested in the boat washed up on the dock.

Climbing the ladder on the playground

Luke's First Pumpkin


Our Favorite Super Hero

After some inspiration from some hand-me-down PJ's, John tried to recreate a super hero costume for Luke out of his own PJ's.

Every super hero wears his underwear on the outside and has a cape!

And this was the inspiration...hand-me-downs from cousins Hunter and Cole.

Luke's first flight lesson.

The Sweet Maiden

Luke is modeling a throw from the couch.

Some Random Fall Pics

Luke's First Bike Ride

We took Luke on a bike ride on a Saturday morning in September. We have a trailer that my parents gave us. He seemed to enjoy the ride.

The Booger Sucker

Luke had some cold/allergy problems during early fall and became very acquainted with the snot sucker. Eventually, he even took it upon himself to clean out his own nose. So hang in there parents of infants! Someday your little ones will clean out their own noses!


Saturday Morning at Yellow Creek Park

A Warm Day in September

On a couple of Fridays during September we had lunch at a downtown park and heard live music. The fountain and playground were the highlights for Luke.

A little tickle to get a smile never hurts!

My Little Chef

Luke LOVES to help make food in the kitchen. I think he likes sampling the best, but nonetheless, he is fun to have as a little helper.

1 comment:

The Westerfield Family said...

Hurray for new pictures! I can't believe Luke is almost two... time sure does fly. Hope you all are doing well. When is the big move?

Sarah W.