Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Main Family Christmas

My (Christy) Mom's maiden name is Main. Celebrating Christmas with her family is a huge ordeal as you'll see below. The family is so big that we have to have Christmas at a church fellowship hall because no one has a house big enough to host everyone. I know John's Aunt Nancy will be able to relate to these pictures!! Lots of people to keep up with.

(I borrowed these from your blog Jennifer....thanks!)

Here are Mom's parents - my Grandpa & Grandma

The Mains - All 12 of them
This is the first Christmas that I can remember when all of Mom's siblings could make it in to celebrate.

The Main Grandchildren
There are 5 missing in this picture. 3 were out of town and couldn't make it in. 1 is stationed in Germany, and 1 of my cousins passed away a few years ago from complications with MS.

The Main Great-Grandchildren
Cole (my nephew) is the one covering his eyes. This was a very funny picture to put together. I couldn't even name these kiddos for you. Again..there's at least 1 missing in this picture.

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