Friday, April 08, 2005

Welcome to our new blog!

First of all you may be wondering what a "blog" is? Well, it is simply a glorified listserve. It is a place that we can update you all about what's going on in our life...or share anything else that is on our minds...and you can share your thoughts or what's happening with you.

So, the BIG NEWS! WE ARE HAVING A BABY!! We just found out last week and are very excited and somewhat nervous. The baby is due December 1st so we are still early in our pregnancy adventure. Click on the "Baby" link at the right to see an approximation of what's happening today with our new baby. Christy is adjusting pretty well. She has had some bouts with morning sickness and food aversions this week. If anyone knows any tips on dealing with this we would love to hear.

Other news...Christy is continuing her Masters program in educational administration through Western Kentucky University. She is working as a music teacher at a school here in town and I'm working as an economic development specialist at an area planning agency. We are still wacking away at our personal debt and plan on being totally debt free by September. This will be a huge blessing since we are now expecting. Our plan is for Christy to stay home with the baby once its here.

We are trusting that the Lord will provide for us once Christy stay's home. Even though we have planned for her to stay home once we had kids since we were married by living off just my income it will be very tight moving from two incomes to one as any of you who have made that jump can attest. We firmly believe that the Lord has called Christy to stay home and raise our children so we believe He will continue to provide the means for her to do so.

Well, as you can tell a blog is also a place for people to ramble on...maybe it should be called "blab" instead. Anyway, we would love to hear from you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Question? Is there a cost to this? does "blogging" here put me on a mass e-mail spam list? If not this could be a cool tool for Life Groups to use to communicate with one another.


PS: I got your THRIVE survey results. Great! Did you leave your attendance in the box in your room?