Tuesday, January 06, 2009

September & October

In the Kitchen
Luke continues to cook with Mommy in the kitchen. He loves to help as much as I allow.
From September/October/November

From September/October/November
So, one night before going to my seminary wives class I asked Luke what he would like to take for a snack and here is what he pulled out of the pantry. To my knowledge, he's never had tuna before, although John does think he tried it at a neighbor's house. Either way, no I didn't send a can of tuna for his snack that night. He thought he was pretty funny though.
From September/October/November
Making pancakes for Saturday breakfast with help from Daddy

More Fun at Marbles Museum
From September/October/November
Luke said he was making pancakes
From September/October/November
Marbles had an Olympic area set up and he was playing hockey
From September/October/November
In the ambulance....he does well playing sick
From September/October/November
Dress up
From September/October/November
A different trip to the museum...the Olympics display was replaced by a Magic School Bus display full of science experiments. He was watching a balloon float in this pic.
From September/October/November
Taking care of Mommy in the ambulance...Dr. Luke
From September/October/November
Firefighter Luke
From September/October/November
Taking a break from the water tables

At Home

From September/October/November
My sneaky little guy avoids naps at times and I snuck up on him and went outside to snap this shot of him during his "naptime." Obviously he found better things to do than lay in bed...like standing in his window sill and yelling at our neighbors outside.
From September/October/November
Luke has an old VHS movie of "Little Bear," a Nickelodeon character if you've never heard of him. In the movie Little Bear and his new friend make their own space hats out of colanders and wooden spoons, so Luke ran to the kitchen and made his own. He had to wear this every time the movie got to that scene.

Luke's First Chapel Service

From September/October/November
Luke got to hear the Getty's for his first chapel service. They came to preview the new hymnal for the seminary. He did very well and stayed for 45 minutes of the hour long service.

Visiting Nana & Pepaw's House
From September/October/November
We make it to my parents' house about once a month. Luke loves playing there. Here is our little Marx brother.
From September/October/November
Celebrating Hunter's birthday...which is near Halloween so it was a costume party. These are Luke's cousins..Hunter, Cole, and Ethan. The bumblebee falling out of the pic is a little one that my sister-in-law babysits.
From September/October/November
Hunting for Halloween candy in the dark with flashlights. Forgot what they called it, but it was a lot of fun. We'll have to do this again next year.
From September/October/November
Potty stop...you just never know what John will do to spice things up. He keeps us laughing though. Having a boy does make these emergency potty stops easy though.

From September/October/November
Trick-or-treating at the Farmer's Market
From September/October/November
This is how I dressed my child before going to seminary childcare....pretty daring, huh? They didn't kick us out. Many families do celebrate Halloween on the seminary campus...actually it seemed like more did than didn't. We went to a chuch fall festival and then trick-or-treating on Main St.
From September/October/November
We spent Halloween with out neighbors. These are the kiddos I watch a couple nights a week. So sweet and so cute in their little costumes. Luke loves his neighbors.
From September/October/November
Buzz Lightyear....Luke's first favorite super hero
From September/October/November
First cotton candy he ever had....pure sugar....he loved it!
From September/October/November
Luke is WILD about dragons/dinosaurs right now. He saw this on the inflatable and was ecstatic!