Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Luke's Expanding Vocabulary

Here are the common sounds Luke makes when he makes these facial expressions.

(I was cleaning out his nose in this one...who would've thought it would be such an enjoyable experience???)

Luke recently had a couple of colds, and we learned that we could easily clean out his nose by popping in his "God Made Music" video and sitting him on the coffee table. I believe he was more excited about the video than the nose thing though.

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Still Working On It

Luke's still working on that walking thing. Letting go seems to be the problem right now. When he does let go he forgets to step and just lunges forward. I'm still not really in a hurry to get him walking. I've been doing plenty of chasing with his crawling.
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Misplaced Pictures

I was organizing our picture files and found these saved in the wrong place. These are pictures from Luke's first overnight stay away from Mommy and Daddy. In August he spent the night with Grammy and Big Pappy. Who's the boss???
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Luke and Grammy
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Luke and Big Pappy
Fetch, Grace!
Stay doggies!
My name is Luke.
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Luke's First Wedding

Luke went to his first wedding during October. Christy's cousin had his wedding in Lexington, so we traveled there and back one day. Here are some pics of Luke and John at the reception.
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Friday, October 20, 2006

10 Months Old

Here is our 10 month old!!! He is very entertaining right now. He likes to try going through tight spaces. He found one that was just his size on the side of a wicker chair.
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Luke and Daddy

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Showing Off With My Spoon

We are working on self-feeding with Luke. This was taken at the end of September. Luke does feed himself finger foods, but we haven't tried much with the spoon yet.
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Luke at 9 Months (September)

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

GRADD Annual Dinner

Here we are with Leigh Ann and Woody for a night out.
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Nana and Papaw from NC came to visit Labor Day weekend. Here are Nana and Luke trying out the grass in our front yard.
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This is Luke's cousin Hunter. A preschooler can get pretty creative with baby toys (and a helmet).
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Hungry Boy

This was taken at the beginning of September. Luke likes to make eating a challenge.
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Going Home After a Long Week

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More Pictures from August

I am behind in posting pictures. Sorry. Here are some more pictures from our vacation in August. These are from our visit with Grandma Kay.

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