Saturday, January 28, 2006

This is me in my big bed. I'm sleeping through the night now, so Mommy and Daddy moved me into my nursery so I could sleep in my crib. Posted by Picasa

Watch out girls!!! I'm stylin' and profilin' already!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Just watching the cars go back and forth. Posted by Picasa

On Wednesday (1/18), Luke was VERY fussy. The only thing that I could find to quite him down was to hold him while he watched the cars go by on Frederica St. He seemed to love watching everything! Thankfully Thursday was MUCH better. Posted by Picasa

Luke is really starting to like playing on his floor gym. He's starting to notice all the animals. Posted by Picasa

Luke likes storytime with Mom! It was very neat to watch him look at the pictures. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 16, 2006

Pictures from our trip to Christy's Parents

Luke and Nana just before we left to come back home from our trip to North Carolina. Christy's parents moved there in August and we went to see them the week after Christmas. Traveling 14-15 hours one way with a three week old was quite an adventure to say the least!! Posted by Picasa

Who me??? No, I didn't do it...he did! Posted by Picasa

Luke and Papaw just before leaving North Carolina Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 13, 2006

Is that Mommy I see? Posted by Picasa

Big Yawn! Posted by Picasa

I'm not too sure about sitting like this... Posted by Picasa

Look what I found! Posted by Picasa

Any resemblance? Posted by Picasa

Aunt Leigh Ann and Uncle Woody on Christmas Posted by Picasa

Merry Christmas from the Sansoms! Posted by Picasa

Luke will have so much fun with his cousins Cole (left) and Hunter (right) once he gets bigger! Posted by Picasa